Sunday, October 10, 2010

Tasty Dumplings: The Land of Pork Chops

A couple of days back, my friend and I decided to have early dinner in Tasty Dumplings in Binondo. It wasn't my first time there. I was a frequent eater of their pork chops, way back with my mom. I always knew that their best seller food item was porkchop with rice. All though I wanted to try something new...

So when we were reading the menu,  my friend asked the waitress what was their bestseller.. So she said pork chop with rice. Afterwards, I asked her what was the bestselling noodle item on the menu. Without thinking twice, she immediately said pork chop again. I then though I should opt to try something on my own, leaving the decision to my gut feeling. Nonetheless, I ordered the dumpling noodles.

The dumpling noodles i ordered was quite odd. I didn't quite enjoy it as much as I would have enjoyed the pork chop rice. Although the dumplings were good, the noodles and the soup I didn't quite enjoy. It tasted really funny, especially with the noodles being soaked in another kind of sauce.

To conclude, Tasty Dumplings is a restaurant that you can definitely afford. For only 99 bucks, the pork chop rice will surely fill you up.

-Binondo (In front of Binondo Church)

Photos Taken by: Yours truly :)

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