Sunday, October 3, 2010

Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps

"A fisherman knows when he sees another fisherman" -Gordon Gecko (Michael Douglas).
"The main thing about money, Bud, is that it makes you do things you don't want to do."-Lou
Wall Street. A popular place in the city of New York. Known to be as the business district of the world. The place where money rolls and comes and goes. It's a place of taking risks.

Watching this movie made me realize something... It is innate in every human being to be attached to money. Not necessarily greed. Attachment yes. Money is a need. It is a necessity. But when does it become the root of all evil?

Rating this movie from 1-10, 10 being the highest, I'd give this movie a solid 8.5. It was a good movie. Not dragging nor was it boring. Jam packed and full of twists. Emotional, mental, and logical traits are what we are talking about here. 

Wall Street is about a young stock trader (Shia Le Beouf) is taken under the wing of his girlfriend's father (Michael Doughlas), an ex-convict jailed for unsavory business practices. The young trader is on a mission to do some good, but he's introduced to a world where his fervor can do little. (

For more information regarding the movie, click the link below :)

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