Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Lovely Bones

I never really got to watch this movie in the movie house. I bought the DVD a couple of months back, and ti was only today when I decided to watch the movie. Last year, when trailers of the movie started showing, I instantly told myself that I wanted to watch this movie. I was fortunate enough to FINALLY have the time to watch this movie, that screened in the cinemas last January 2010.

The story is based on a novel written by Alice Sebold. It dates back to 1973 when Susie Salmon, a young 14 year old girl, was murdered by their neighbor in her hometown in Pennsylvania. The movie is all about the struggles of Susie trying to help her family cope up with the situation, and to help her father figure out who her murderer is. Being trapped in a whole different world, the movie encompasses a fantasy-type feature that allows us to see and witness how Susie is able to transcribe her death while she is in the in-between.

Regarding the issue on child molestation, rape and murder... I've watched several series and movies, read tons of articles or stories related to these issues. As each day passes I realize how this issue becomes more and more grave. Although I wonder... why is it that the news focuses more on the negative stuff that happens rather than the positive? It's all about "chismis", gossips, corruptions, greed, death, etc., rather than the positive? Something funny lang...

Relating back to the movie, out of 10, 10 being the highest, I'd give this movie an 8 because the ending was kinda bitin for me. Also, so I've heard, the movie and the book are quite different from each other. I will start reading the book over the week and will update you on what I think about it...

For more information regarding the movie you can click the link below :)

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