Monday, October 4, 2010

Quickly: The Popular Asian Fusion

Quickly has been around for quite sometime now. From the time it started up until today, they have retained their businesses as small stalls Nonetheless, they seem to be able to make money, satisfy their customers, and at the same time attain their original taste and quality. For the past years I have been a patronizer of Quickly, I can definitely say they are the best, if not, one of the best thirst quenchers available almost anywhere. Healthy? Yes. According to their sources, it is mostly made out of tapioca milk. Comapred to other similar  brands, I can say that Quickly definitely tastes better.

My all-time favorite drink from Quickly is the Taro-Taro. It contains black pearls (sago), taro pudding, and taro ice. Not too sweet, nor is it too bland. Really thirst quenching and healthy compared to other brands which use powdered flavorings to add flavor. 

You need a budget of about Php70. Quite pricey compared to other brands, but, at least, it's guaranteed more natural and less preservatives. 
TRIVIA: Quickly is available worldwide. It has over a thousand branches all over the world, including the Africa. It started out  in Taiwan, and eventually opened for franchising. Later on, Quickly was brought about in the US, Asia and Europe as well.



Photos Taken by: Yours truly :)

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